If you are having a hard time paying for heat or electricity, you are not alone. It’s not an uncommon problem for many families in York County. That’s why YCCAC offers a wide range of fuel and energy assistance programs so you can be warm, safe, healthy, and secure in your home. And, our weatherization services can even help you save money!
We offer eligible homeowners an audit of their home to check for energy efficiency and safety concerns and connect them to available funding for improvements.
Heat, Energy & Fuel
If you are having a hard time paying for heat or electricity, you are not alone. It’s not an uncommon problem for many families in York County. That’s why YCCAC offers a wide range of fuel and energy assistance programs so you can be warm, safe, healthy, and secure in your home. And, our weatherization services can even help you save money!
LIHEAP Heating Assistance
LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) helps eligible homeowners and renters cover heating costs.
Weatherization Program
We offer eligible homeowners an audit of their home to check for energy efficiency and safety concerns and connect them to available funding for improvements.
Electricity Lifeline Program (ELP)
To help with electricity costs, households can receive a credit to their CMP bill based on household income and estimated electricity usage.
Energy Crisis Intervention
Eligible homeowners and renters receive emergency financial assistance once per season for fuel or avoiding electricity cut-offs.
Central Heating Improvement
CHIP provides grant funds to repair or replace malfunctioning heating systems.
Other Energy Services
YCCAC connects people with many energy services and programs including energy upgrades, such as replacing old fuel tanks or installing electric poles.